Trade Union of Lithuanian Food Producers (LMP) is a self – reliant organization based on voluntary self – determination, independent from any legislative and governmental, or economical entities, or employer’s and their organisation, or political parties. It pursues the policy of free trade unions.


Contacts of trade union of Lithuanian Food producers:
Address: J. Jasinskio str. 9 – 406, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Tel. (8-5) 2626168, faks.; (8-5) 2122521
E – mail:


The Union was established in 22 November 1989 during the constituent Conference. The Statute of the Union was registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania in 2 March 1992.

Continues progressive traditions of the Trade Union of Food Industry Employees, which was functioning in Lithuania in 1919 – 1940. The Union joins workers and employees of meat, milk, bread, tobacco, oil – grease, sugar, confectionery, soft and alcohol drinks, canned food enterprises, hotels, restaurants, markets, tourism sector and students, prepared to become workers of this occupation. The employers of enterprises or the persons executing the function of employer can not become members of the Union.

The highest organ of the Union is the Congress. It takes place every 5 years. Report conferences are organised annually. Board of Representatives coordinates activities of the Union between the Congresses.

Objectives and types of activities of the Union are:

  • to unite employees of Lithuanian food industry in order to enable them to protect their economic, social, labour and professional rights;
  • to defend the rights of Union members to full employment, social guaranties, to promote development of professional qualification of food industry employees, to develop occupational ethics.

As a member of LPSK the Union is represented at the tripartite Councils and Commissions of Lithuania such as:

  • The Tripartite Council of the Republic of Lithuania;
  • The Council of State Social Insurance Fund (SODRA);
  • The Council of Guarantee Fund;
  • The Council of Vocational Training;
  • The Council of mandatory Health Insurance;
  • The Commission on Ratification of Labour Standarts;
  • The Commission on Health and Safety;
  • The Committee at National Labour Exchange.

Membership dues make 0,8% of total labor payment.
Since 1993 the Union is a member of the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations IUF. In 1997 the Union became a member of European Committee of Food, Catering and Allied Workers’ Unions (ECF – IUF, now EFFAT).

The Union is a member of Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation (LPSK). Since 1994 LPSK is an Affiliated member of International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and since 1998 – an associated member of European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).

Here You can find appeal of Vth Congress of Trade Union



I. Collective Bargaining and Social Dialogue

We commit ourselves to:

1. Through collective bargaining, seeking to attain better economic and social
conditions and guarantees for workers, a clear wage system, an improved work and
rest regime, as well as improving the control of the execution of collective
2. At company-level, encouraging cooperation between trade unions and works
councils to ensure regular exchange of information and consultation procedures;
3. Taking part in the activities of the tripartite committees set up by the Lithuanian
Tripartite Council, the State Social Insurance Fund, the Employment Service, the
State Labour Inspectorate and their territorial units in order to solve workers’ social,
economic and employment-related issues;
4. Continuously submitting proposals related to work, economic and social issues to the
government authorities concerning adopting or amending laws and normative acts;
5. Representing trade union members in courts and labour dispute committees in
employment-related cases;
6. Continuously cooperating and exchanging information with the trade unions of
multinational companies operating in Lithuania in order to attain better standards of
wages and social services for workers;
7. Consulting members of international companies’ European Works Councils (EWC)
about economic and social issues, and taking part in the activities of European
Works Councils (EWC), exchanging information and disseminating their good
8. Submitting draft agreements on bilateral cooperation to the employers’ associations
of the food and beverage sector.

II. Trade Union Movement

We commit ourselves to:

1. Conducting a continual campaign aiming at attracting new trade union members;
2. Organising regular training courses for trade union members, preparing and
conducting a training program for shop stewards and searching for new shop
3. Preparing and distributing flyers and leaflets promoting the movement of trade
4. Providing online training courses for trade union members in the fields of labour law
and health and safety;
5. Ensuring transparent and efficient use of the funds of the trade union, including the
membership fees; improving the structure of the organisation;
6. Cooperating with academic institutions in the fields of remuneration and social issues;
7. Disseminating information about the activities of trade unions in the mass media and
among food industry students;
8. Resuming the activities of the youth committee and the women’s committee and
electing their members to the bodies represented by trade unions, health and safety
committees and other trade unions;
9. Taking part in the activities of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation and its
regional offices and submitting proposals related to the improvement of its activity;
10. Taking part in campaigns organised in by Lithuanian and international trade union
11. Taking part in the activity of the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel,
Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF ) ant its
European unit — the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade
Unions (EFFAT), as well as in the activity of the International Confederation of Free
Trade Unions (ICFTU) and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC);
12. Continuing cooperation with the trade unions in Austria, Belgium, France, Nordic and
Baltic countries as well as with the International Labour Organisation (ILO).