2017 m. spalio 18 d. Briuselyje įvyko Trišalis socialinių reikalų aukščiausiojo lygio susitikimas. Šis rudens socialinių reikalų aukščiausiojo lygio susitikimas buvo skirtas temai „Europos ateities kūrimas: atsparumo didinimas ir ekonominės bei socialinės pažangos visiems skatinimas“. Šiose diskusijose buvo aptartos trys potemės: Europos socialinė dimensija; socialinių partnerių dalyvavimas formuojant politiką ir vykdant reformas nacionaliniu lygmeniu – padaryta pažanga ir būdai, kaip pagerinti jų dalyvavimą; ir investicijos į mokymąsi skaitmeninės ekonomikos ir visuomenės kontekste. Europos profesinių sąjungų konfederacijos (ETUC) generalinis sekretorius Luca Visentini susirinkusiesiems pabrėžė, jog dabar labiau nei bet kada reikia imtis konkretesnių priemonių, kad dirbančių žmonių gyvenimas iš tikrųjų pasikeistų.

Luca Visentini savo kalboje teigė, kad Europos profesinės sąjungos nori įtikinti ES valstybes nares priimti plataus užmojo ir tvirtą Europos socialinių teisių ramstį, o Europos Komisiją – imtis tolesnių veiksmų, kad jis būtų visiškai įgyvendintasi. Reikalingos konkrečios priemonės, kad dirbančių žmonių gyvenimas iš tikrųjų pasikeistų. Daugelis dirbančių žmonių dar nejaučia jokio atsigavimo ir jiems reikia tvirtų įrodymų, kad ES yra įsipareigojusi užtikrinti socialinį teisingumą ir socialinę pažangą. ES turi pasivyti laiką, prarastą per ilgus krizės metus, taip pat suvaldyti pokyčius, kurie įvyks dėl priklausomybės nuo iškastinio kuro mažinimo ir skaitmeninimo, kad nė vienas darbuotojas nebūtų paliktas nuošalyje.

Visą Europos profesinių sąjungų konfederacijos (ETUC) generalinio sekretoriaus Luca Visentini kalbą easti galite ČIA.


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EFFAT SNAPSHOT #10-2| 2017


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20 October 2017


NNN strike ends with recognition and CBA at Norwegian fish processor Norse Production
The strike launched by the Norwegian Foodworkers’ Union NNN at fish processor Norse Production on September 8 ended on October 12 with the company signing the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the fish processing sector. With union recognition secured, the local union will now be able to negotiate additional improvements with local management within the framework of the sectoral agreement.
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Siptu to call for referendum on collective bargaining rights
Siptu will this week call for the Government to hold a referendum to give unions rights to engage in collective bargaining on behalf of their members.
Under Irish law while unions have the right to organise workers, employers also have the right not to recognise unions for the purposes of collective bargaining.
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NGG demands at least 10 euros as minimum hourly wage for the meat industry
The second round of collective bargaing for he meat industry  failed  on 12 October. Trade union NGG rejected the offer after the after the employers, in particular the poultry industry, had only offered a minimum hourly wage of 8.90 euros. NGG is fighting to achieve a salary of 10 euros/hours
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Trade unions meets Ministry of agriculture to take stock of progress in the fight against caporalato
Exactly one year after the approval of the law 199/206 to fight caporalato and the exploitation of agriculture workers in the fields, EFFAT Italian affiliates met the Ministry of Agriculture Maurizio Martina to take stock of the application of the law. While much is being achieved on the ‘repressive’ element of the new measure, much still needs to be done on prevention especially as far as the criteria to access the agriculture quality network are concerned and the legal intermediation of the workforce.
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Tripartite Social Summit: Speech given by Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary

Tripartite Social Summit – Estonian Presidency Brussels, 18th October 2017 Speech given by Luca Visentini,ETUC General Secretary

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ETUC proposes east-west ‘wage convergence alliance’ and ‘just transition’ to EU leaders

At today’s Tri-Partite Social Summit – with Presidents Juncker and Tusk, Prime Minister Ratas of Estonia,

and the Labour Ministers of Estonia, Bulgaria and Austria – Luca Visentini,

General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation called for fast proclamation of an ambitious European Pillar of Social Rights ,

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Member states eye agreement on posted workers After months of negotiations, EU member states are trying to break a deadlock
in discussions over the revision of a directive on posted workers before a crucial meeting next Monday (23 October).

The issue revolves around differing pay levels for workers temporarily posted
in another EU country compared with native workers. Read more

Trade Unions Call on IFIs to Support Global Wage Rise
On the eve of the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank (Washington, 13-15 October 2017), the ITUC and its Global Unions partners are calling on the international financial institutions to help boost the incomes of working people around the world by supporting a strengthening of weakened collective bargaining rights and an expansion of universal social protection.
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A Global Week of Action for Hotel Housekeepers
EFFAT fully supports the IUF’s Hotel Housekeepers Global Week of Action from 9 to 15 October 2017 during which hotel housekeepers and their trade unions around the world will hold a wide range of actions to raise awareness and achieve better working conditions in the sector.
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Independent unions challenge the zero rights regime at Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia
Nearly twenty years after Indonesia freed itself from an oppressive military dictatorship, workers at the Indonesian operations of The Coca-Cola Company’s Australian-based bottler Coca-Cola Amatil (CCA) are still waiting for democratic rights at the workplace. 
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